Waste Project

For the waste project poster I have chosen the subject of time wasted. I feel like many people spend a very large amount of time concentrating on advancing their careers and making money or progressing socially. They end up missing out on other important aspects of life. No matter what your life goals it is important to remember to take care of your own personal health and to spend time with those you love and doing things that you enjoy.

A new survey from Citigroup and Seventeen magazine finds that almost 80 percent of students take at least a part-time job during the school year.
While students are working 19 hours on average, many work more than 20 hours a week and some even hold full-time jobs. While a little bit of work can often build character and teach students time management skills, too many hours of work can have negative consequences.

Burnout isn't as simple as extreme exhaustion. When you're truly burnt out, there's very little you'll do that isn't necessary for survival. You won't find a regular vacation very refreshing. You not only lose interest in the work that burnt you out in the first place, but in nearly everything else that you do. Fun won't be fun, every little thing will bother you, and you'll be unhappy without fully understanding why.

Our endless working guilt: Parents confess they neglect children from Monday to Friday
  • -Over a third of parents struggle to switch off from 'work mode'
  • -Almost half worry they are not a good enough parents




I’m not telling you to work less hours. If you genuinely love what you do and are doing it for the right reasons, you are more than entitled to spend all of your waking hours plugging away.But for many of us, more work leads to more stress and a lower quality of life. Without time to unwind, take care of your home, spend time with loved ones, enjoy our hobbies, connect with friends, and generally live a more balanced life. Stress is the #1 cause of health problems – mentally and physically. And there are few things that stress us out on a consistent basis like work does, especially when it takes away from all of the other things that life has to offer.
  • The U.S. is the ONLY country in the Americas without a national paid parental leave benefit. The average is over 12 weeks of paid leave anywhere other than Europe and over 20 weeks in Europe.
  • Zero industrialized nations are without a mandatory option for new parents to take parental leave. That is, except for the United States.